Latest Discoveries

NASA latest discoveries

NASA latest discoveries

Like most first glimpses of new frontiers, Pluto held so many surprises for New Horizons that the past eight months have seen a steady stream of discoveries coming from the mission, as the spacecraft’s small radio transmitter beams its gathered data back home. The biggest surprises have been Pluto’s surface and atmosphere, which are restlessly active and diverse despite average…

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Recent discovery in Science

Recent discovery in Science

Stromatolites at dawn, Shark Bay, Western Australia. . Photograph: Mint Images/REX/Shutterstock Scientists have discovered the oldest physical evidence for life on the planet in the form of fossils in Greenland rocks that formed 3.7bn years ago. The researchers believe the structures in the rocks are stromatolites - layered formations, produced by the activity of microbes…

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Hubble latest discovery

Hubble latest discovery

These four Hubble images of Neptune were taken with the Wide Field Camera 3 on June 25-26, 2011, during the planet s 16-hour rotation. The snapshots were taken at roughly four-hour intervals, offering a full view of the planet. The images reveal high-altitude clouds in the northern and southern hemispheres. The clouds are composed of methane ice crystals. Credit: NASA, ESA…

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Latest discovery News

Latest discovery News

: Our professional team of volcanologists and photographers offers unique travel opportunities: volcano expeditions, photo tours, and relaxed walking & study tours. Guaranteed tours: : spaces available / : guaranteed / : few spaces left / : booked out Support us? Maintaining the volcano and earthquake news sections on this website, the free and is a free-time, both…

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Galileo findings

Galileo findings

The invention of the telescope played an important role in advancing our understanding of Earth s place in the cosmos. While there is evidence that the principals of telescopes were known in the late 16th century, the first telescopes were created in the Netherlands in 1608. Spectacle makers Hans Lippershey & Zacharias Janssen and Jacob Metius independently created…

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Science News discovery

Science News discovery

Researchers have found evidence that the disordered early brain development seen in young children with autism results from problems cascading through entire pathways of gene activity. These networks involve hundreds of genes. Some control the number of brain cells created in a very young brain. Others are responsible for detecting and correcting problems during crucial periods…

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New Galaxies, Discovered

New Galaxies, Discovered

Hundreds of hidden nearby galaxies have been studied for the first time, shedding light on a mysterious gravitational anomaly dubbed the Great Attractor. Despite being just 250 million light years from Earth—very close in astronomical terms—the new galaxies had been hidden from view until now by our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Using CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope equipped with…

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Albert Einstein contributions to Astronomy

Albert Einstein contributions to Astronomy

Famed physicist Albert Einstein at the blackboard. Credit: NASA Albert Einstein Quotes Einstein is credited with saying many fascinating things. Among them: Imagination is more important than knowledge.The only reason for time is so that everything doesn t happen at once.Everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler. Einstein’s initial big idea, special relativity…

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Current Astronomers

Current Astronomers

Photo credit: Thorsten Brand The stars are moving so fast, they almost have enough speed to escape our Milky Way. A team of astronomers have discovered something extraordinarily bizarre: On the outskirts of our Milky Way galaxy, a binary star is moving with speeds at almost the escape velocity of our galaxy. That would require an object to be moving at 537 kilometers per second…

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Latest research of NASA

Latest research of NASA

Seas around the world have risen an average of nearly 3 inches (8 centimeters) since 1992, with some locations rising more than 9 inches (25 centimeters) due to natural variation, according to the latest satellite measurements from NASA and its partners. An intensive research effort now underway, aided by NASA observations and analysis, points to an unavoidable rise of several…

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Latest discoveries on Earth

Latest discoveries on Earth

Credit: stock.xchng Intro Puzzling ancient finds have a way of captivating the public, perhaps because it s just too easy to dream up interesting explanations for how and why things exist. These seven archaeological discoveries have managed to stay hot topics despite their age, appearing on magazine covers year after year and inspiring new theories for their existence along…

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Latest News About Science discovery

Latest News About Science discovery

Physicists have announced the discovery of gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime that were first anticipated by Albert Einstein a century ago. “We have detected gravitational waves. We did it, ” said David Reitze, executive director of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (Ligo), at a press conference in Washington. The announcement is the…

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Latest findings of NASA About Earth

Latest findings of NASA About Earth

On Thursday, NASA published the first studies from its Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission. The studies — four of which were published in Science — details new data on the Red Planet s disappearing atmosphere. According to MAVEN s findings, the sun is to blame for the planet s current state. Solar wind has stripped away the atmosphere, and continues to do…

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Latest Telescope

Latest Telescope

A new type of orbiting telescope could take images more than 1, times sharper than those snapped by NASA s famous Hubble Space Telescope, the technology s developers say. Researchers have dubbed their concept the Aragoscope,after French scientist Francois Arago, who was the first to discover that light waves diffract around a disk. The Aragoscope would consist of an orbiting…

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Latest discovery of NASA

Latest discovery of NASA

Story highlights 104 planets have been discovered through NASA s K2 mission using the Kepler Space Telescope Two are in the habitable zone, meaning they could have liquid water and potentially support life More than 100 new exoplanets have been found by an international team of astronomers using the Kepler Space Telescope on its K2 mission, according to NASA. Out of the 104…

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What planet has the most rings?

What planet has the most rings?

This colorized image taken by the Cassini orbiter, shows Saturn’s A and F rings, the small moon Epimetheus and Titan, the planet’s largest moon. Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute Planetary rings are an interesting phenomenon. The mere mention of these two words tends to conjure up images of Saturn, with its large and colorful system of rings that form an orbiting disk…

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Star Astronomy

Star Astronomy

Advertisement. is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free version of the site, with print-friendly pages. Click here to learn more. Each star in the sky is an enormous glowing ball of gas. Our sun is a medium-sized star. Stars can live for billions of years. A star is born when an enormous cloud of hydrogen gas collapses…

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Latest discoveries in Astronomy

Latest discoveries in Astronomy

It is a matter of historical record that the high state of development of modern astronomy is due entirely to the efforts and observations of thousands of stargazers from all parts of the earth, and throughout much of mankind’s history. However, the science of astronomy has very few “Eureka!” moments, and most, if not all, of the important discoveries are the result of generations…

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Latest astronomical discoveries

Latest astronomical discoveries

NASA scientists have confirmed that liquid water flows, at least during the summer months, on the surface of Mars A Vatican astronomer said the latest discovery of flowing liquid water on the surface of Mars was exciting. “You can see the traces of the rivers changing over the course of a Martian year. So we are not talking about water that was there a long time ago or water…

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Recent Space events

Recent Space events

An artist s illustration of a satellite collision from space debris in orbit. Space traffic accidents only beget more such accidents. Credit: European Space Agency The news that a failed Russian Mars probe will come crashing back to Earth in the next few days reinforces a growing public perception that the sky is falling — that huge pieces of space junk could rain down on us…

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Latest discoveries 2013

Latest discoveries 2013

We are pleased to announce the discovery and confirmation of our second confirmed planet : PH2 b-a Jupiter-size planet in the habitable zone of a star like the Sun-by the Planet Hunter project. The paper has already been submitted to the Astrophysical Journal and has been made public via The estimated surface temperature of 46 degrees Celsius is right for there to…

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Galileo Science
Galileo Science
Remember those two Galileo…
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Accomplishments of Galileo
Total Orbits of Jupiter:…
Sky and Telescope News
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So why don t we call these…
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