Space Discoveries

Newest space discoveries
This artist s concept shows the newfound alien planet Alpha Centauri Bb, found in a three-star system just 4.3 light-years from Earth. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada Astronomical discoveries in 2012 have reshaped what we know about the universe and pushed some instruments to the very limits of their observing…
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Galileo Science
Remember those two Galileo satellites that our friends at Arianespace rocketed into orbit last week? They are doing extremely well, thank you very much. Galileo satellites 9 and 10 are functioning perfectly, and the initial series of flight operations is continuing as part of LEOP – the critical launch…
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New discoveries in space exploration
Each year there’s evidence that our technologies are advancing at the speed of light, and we discover tons of new things about outer space, develop new exploratory technologies, and even touch down on new planets—and no matter what we keep learning. 2013 was no exception when it came to discovering previously…
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Accomplishments of Galileo
Total Orbits of Jupiter: 34 Notable Accomplishments: Deployed a probe into Jupiter s atmosphere Once launched from the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle Atlantis, Galileo set off first to Venus and then back to Earth, using the planets as a slingshot to Jupiter. This technique is called a gravity assist and is used to save spacecrafts time and energy. The primary mission of the…
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Sky and Telescope News
So why don t we call these meteors the Swift-Tuttlids ? Great question! It s known instead as the Perseids because the meteors all seem to radiate across the sky from the direction of the constellation Perseus. This apparent point of origin, called the radiant , is actually just a trick of perspective. But you don t need to look at the radiant to spot a Perseid meteor because…
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New research of NASA
A novel and potentially testable theory of how life arose on earth, first advanced more than 25 years ago by Michael Russell, a research scientist in Planetary Chemistry and Astrobiology at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, was further developed in a recent paper published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (PTRSL-B)—the world s first science journal—by…
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Hubble Telescope News
The Hubble Space Telescope just calculated the distance to the most far-out galaxy ever measured, providing scientists with a look deep into the history of the universe. The far-away galaxy, named GN-z11, existed a mere 400 million years after the Big Bang, or about 13.3 billion years ago. Because the light from such a distant galaxy must travel huge distances to reach Earth…
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Galileo Galilei discoveries
Galileo Galilei is credited with discovering the first four moons of Jupiter. Credit: NASA NEW YORK — In 1610, Galileo Galilei peered through his telescope and discovered four moons orbiting around Jupiter, a breakthrough that helped confirm the heliocentric theory that the Earth revolves around the sun, and not the other way around. To mark the 400th anniversary of Galileo…
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