Space Discoveries
Who discovered the Earth was round Galileo?
Copernicus (1473-1543) was not the first person to claim that the Earth rotates around the Sun. In Western civilization, ancient Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos is generally credited with being the first person to propose a Sun-centred astronomical hypothesis of the universe. At that time, however, Aristarchus’s heliocentrism gained few supporters and 18 centuries would…
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Article About space
(Updated at 5 p.m. ET Aug. 12) The Perseid meteor shower peaked overnight on Aug. 11 and 12 as Earth passed through the long trail left by Comet Swift-Tuttle, wowing night-owl skywatchers lucky enough to have good weather and clear, dark skies. Read on to find out how and when to see the Perseids this weekend. | U.S. Perseid Weather Forecast According to NASA meteor expert…
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New Outer space discoveries
Pluto now has four known moons. Charon was discovered in 1978, and is the largest of Pluto’s moons. It is 648 miles across, causing many people to consider it and Pluto a “double dwarf planet”. Nothing new was learned of icy bodies orbiting Pluto until 2005, when the Hubble Space Telescope discovered Nix and Hydra. They are both in the range of 20 – 70 miles in diameter. The…
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Galaxy space universe
The Universe is expanding. This means that from Earth, astronomers see that the most distant galaxies seem to be moving away much faster than those that are close by. As the distant galaxy travels away from us, the wavelength of light that it emits stretches and is redshifted toward the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This means that a very distant galaxy emitting…
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Recent space articles
Artwork: Michael Wolf, The Transparent City 93, 2008, France In Silicon Valley the tight correlation between personal interactions, performance, and innovation is an article of faith, and innovators are building cathedrals reflecting this. Google’s new campus is designed to maximize chance encounters. Facebook will soon put several thousand of its employees into a single mile-long…
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Discoveries in space
NASA s Dawn probe captured this high-resolution image of the Ceres mountain Ahuna Mons. Image width is 19 miles (30 kilometers). Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA Eyeing the queen of the asteroid belt Dawn orbited Vesta from July 2011 through September 2012, when the probe departed for Ceres. The spacecraft arrived at the dwarf planet in March 2015, in the process becoming…
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New Discovery in space
A computer simulation showing gravitational waves during a black-hole collision. The discovery has major implications for science. Credit: MPI for Gravitational Physics/W.Benger-Zib People around the world cheered yesterday morning (Feb. 11) when scientists announced the first direct detection of gravitational waves — ripples in the fabric of space-time whose existence was…
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Unbelievable discoveries
Awesome & Mysterious Discoveries Found on Earth. #5 is Unbelievable! Earth can be a tedious and depressing place to reside. After all, the news only seems to cover the grim realities of wars in foreign lands, political ineptitude within our governments and if things couldn t get any worse, a man with a funny hairdo is running for President. But as these twenty exciting…
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Space discoveries
Artist s illustration of NASA s planet-hunting Kepler observatory in space. Credit: NASA Kepler Results Update: NASA s Kepler Space Telescope has confirmed the discovery of 1, 284 new alien planets, 9 of which may be habitable for life as we know it. About 100 of the planets are similar in size to our own Earth. Read the full story here: NASA officials will announce the planet-hunting…
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Sky Latest News
LOS ANGELES, CA - JUNE 15: Hello Games, Sean Murray demonstrates No Man s Sky during the Sony E3 press conference at the L.A. Memorial Sports Arena on June 15, 2015 in Los Angeles, California. The Sony press conference is held in conjunction with the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) which focuses on gaming systems and interactive entertainment, featuring introductions…
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Galaxy of space
Galaxies — those vast collections of stars that populate our universe — are all over the place. Perhaps the most resonant example of this fact is the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field, a collection of photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope revealing thousands of galaxies in a single composite picture. Estimating how many galaxies are throughout the universe is a tougher job, however…
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Recent events in space
London North Centre MP Peter Fragiskatos. The CSCA recently held an internal Strategic Planning Day. One of the outcomes of the day was an internal reorganization to meet the current and future growth of the Association. To that effect Marc Boucher has transitioned from Executive Director to President and Chief Executive Officer. As well, two new officer positions were created…
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New Scientific discoveries in space
The newly discovered mega-Earth Kepler-10c dominating the foreground in this artist s conception. Photo / Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Space discoveries are happening at a rapid pace and the past year has been filled with fascinating discoveries including most recently, the Godzilla of the Earth . Here are eight discoveries about the vast and stunning universe…
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Science articles on space
Philae found! Less than a month before the end of the mission, Rosetta’s high-resolution camera has revealed the Philae lander wedged into a dark crack on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. The images were taken on 2 September by the OSIRIS narrow-angle camera as the orbiter came within 2.7 km of the surface and clearly show the main body of the lander, along with two of its…
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2014 space discoveries
Artist s concept of Kepler-186f, the first Earth-size planet found orbiting in the habitable zone of its parent star. Kepler-186f orbits a red dwarf about 490 light-years from Earth. Credit: NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-Caltech This past year was a banner one for the field of exoplanet science, with the tally of known alien worlds doubling to nearly 2, by the end of 2014…
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NASA space discoveries
Credit: Karl Tate, contributor This NASA chart shows the number of confirmed alien planets arranged by their size, as of May 10, 2016. Credit: NASA Ames/W. Stenzel The $600 million Kepler mission launched in March 2009, tasked with determining how common Earth-like planets are throughout the Milky Way. The observatory finds alien worlds by noticing the tiny brightness…
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Galileo Galilei
One of the most prolific scientists of all time, Galileo’s life and accomplishments has been studied and written about in detail for centuries. From his discovery of the moons of Jupiter to his fight with Pope Urban V, noted authors and playwrights have been fascinated with both Galileo’s life and contributions. Galileo claimed to have discovered sunspots and that the sun rotates…
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Habitable Planets near Earth
This artist’s impression shows the planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri B, a member of the triple star system that is the closest to Earth. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada But what if there are alien worlds that are even more habitable than Earth-like planets? These so-called superhabitable worlds are intriguing astrobiologists such as René Heller at McMaster University in Hamilton…
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Physics Galileo
If you ask an elementary school student what Galileo discovered, they might tell you that Galileo discovered gravity. In truth, gravity was discovered by a gentleman by the name of Ug, who lived in a cave in northern Europe approximately 30, years ago. Common legend also has it that Galileo proved that gravity pulls on all objects equally. He proved this by dropping two objects…
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Astronomical discoveries
Scientists around the world sat up and took notice last week when Anthony Wesley, the amateur Australian astronomer, reported to NASA that he was seeing something unusual in the southern hemisphere of Jupiter. Something - possibly a comet or meteoroid - went slamming into the planet, was swallowed up in its atmosphere of ammonia and methane, and left a visible scar. Scientists…
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