Saturn Discovered
Who discovered Saturn?
This view shows a close up of toward the south polar region of Saturn s largest moon, Titan, and show a depression within the moon s orange and blue haze layers near the south pole. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft snapped the image on Sept. 11, 2011 and it was released on Dec. 22. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute Scientists believe that conditions on Titan are similar…
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Who was Saturn discovered by?
A still-frame from a movie taken by NASA s Cassini spacecraft of Saturn s newly discovered moon (in red square). Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute A new moon of Saturn has been discovered, bringing the planet s satellite tally to 60. Initial measurements suggest the new moon, which is still unnamed, is about 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) wide, and lies between the orbits…
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Who found Saturn?
The trio of ridges on Titan known as Mithrim Montes is home to the hazy Saturnian moon s tallest peak. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI In a nod to extraterrestrial mountaineers of the future, scientists working on NASA s Cassini mission have identified the highest point on Saturn s largest moon, Titan. Titan s tallest peak is 10, 948 feet (3, 337 meters) high and is found within…
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Discovery of Earth
An Artist s concept of the surface of the newfound exoplanet Kepler-452b, a planet about 60 percent wider than Earth that lies 1, 400 light-years away. Kepler-452b is likely rocky, and it orbits its sunlike star at the same distance Earth orbits the sun. Credit: SETI Institute/Danielle Futselaar Credit: Karl Tate, contributor Kepler-452b lies 1, 400 light-years away…
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Historical Astronomy
History is filled with mysteries that can be answered by the position of the moon, the nature of the tides, and the time of year when an event occurred. Here are mysteries of battles, art, and literature, that were solved thanks to astronomical detectives. Top image: Lithograph of the Battle of Chancellorsville, where Stonewall Jackson was wounded. Who uses the skies to solve…
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Earth like planet discovered 2014
Is reporting that astronomers at the University of New South Wales have discovered an Earthlike planet just 16 light-years away. The planet, dubbed Gliese 832c, is orbiting a red dwarf star half the mass and radius of our own sun. Gliese 832c has an orbital period of about 35 days, and a mass more than five times that of Earth s. More importantly, however, Gliese 832c is orbiting…
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Current Space News
WASHINGTON — An established aerospace company seeks government permission to use retired ballistic motors for commercial satellite launches. It’s opposed by a startup who argues such vehicles constitute unfair competition. A description of the current debate about use of excess intercontinental ballistic missiles? Try 1990 instead. The present-day debate, where Orbital ATK…
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Scientific Astronomy
Rudolf Steiner Archive and e.Lib [ Buy from: Verlag ] The Relation of the Diverse Branches of Natural Science to Astronomy Lectures Section Eighteen lectures from the lecture-series: The So-Called Astronomy Course. Published in German as: Das Verhaeltnis der Verschiedenen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gebiete zur Astronomie. Dritter naturwissenschaftlicher Kurs. Himmelskunde in Besiehung…
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